Source code for multidirmap.multidirmap

"""A multidirectional mapping with an arbitrary number of key columns."""
import copy
from contextlib import contextmanager

from ._multidirmaprow import MultiDirMapRowBase
from ._read_only_dict import ReadOnlyDict
from ._util import DuplicateKeyError
from ._util import Overwrite

[docs]class MultiDirMap(object): """A multidirectional mapping with an arbitrary number of key columns.""" def __init__(self, columns, key_columns=None, data=None): """Create multidirectional mapping. columns is a list of column names. key_columns defines how many (in order) of columns should be key columns that the mapping can be indexed by. data initializes the mapping with the data provided (see also update()). """ class MultiDirMapRow(MultiDirMapRowBase): __slots__ = columns self._MultiDirMapRow = MultiDirMapRow self._columns = columns self._key_columns = key_columns or len(columns) self._print_settings = {"max_width": 80, "max_cols": 4, "max_col_width": 20} # For easier internal access than getattr self._key_dicts = {} for colname in columns[:key_columns]: setattr(self, colname, ReadOnlyDict()) self._key_dicts[colname] = getattr(self, colname) # Primary key dict needs to be accessed frequently self._primary_key_dict = self._key_dicts[self._columns[0]] if data: self.update(data) def __getitem__(self, key): """Redirects to __getitem__ of the primary key dict.""" return self._primary_key_dict[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Redirects to __setitem__ of the primary key dicts.""" self.update({key: value}) def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete the indicated entry. Both the entry in the primary key dict and consequently orphaned entries in the secondary key dicts are deleted. """ with self._writable(): item = self._primary_key_dict.get(key) if not item: raise KeyError(key) for col, key in item.to_dict().items(): if col in self._key_dicts: del self._key_dicts[col][key] def __len__(self): """Return number of entries in the mapping.""" return len(self._primary_key_dict) def __eq__(self, other): """Test equality.""" if self is other: # pragma: no cover return True if type(self) != type(other): return False return ( (self._columns == other._columns) and (self._key_columns == other._key_columns) and (self._primary_key_dict == other._primary_key_dict) ) def __ne__(self, other): """Test inequality (required for Python 2).""" return not self == other def __iter__(self): """Iterate over entries in the primary key dict.""" return iter(self._primary_key_dict) def __str__(self): """Pretty print the map as a table. Column width and the number of columns (supernumerary ones are removed to the left of the last column and replaced by "...") are determined by the print settings. """ n_output_cols = min(self._print_settings["max_cols"], len(self._columns)) n_omitted_cols = max(len(self._columns) - self._print_settings["max_cols"], 0) col_width = min( self._print_settings["max_col_width"], ( self._print_settings["max_width"] - 3 * n_omitted_cols - (n_output_cols + n_omitted_cols - 1) ) // n_output_cols, ) total_width = ( n_output_cols * col_width + (n_output_cols + n_omitted_cols - 1) + n_omitted_cols * 3 ) pad_format = "{:" + str(col_width) + "." + str(col_width) + "}" headers = [ pad_format.format(name[: col_width - 1] + "*") for name in self._columns[: self._key_columns] ] + [ pad_format.format(name[:col_width]) for name in self._columns[self._key_columns :] ] if n_omitted_cols > 0: headers = headers[: n_output_cols - 1] + ["...", headers[-1]] output = [headers, [total_width * "="]] for row in self._primary_key_dict.values(): entries = row.to_list() if len(headers) > n_output_cols: output.append( [ pad_format.format(str(value)[:col_width]) for value in entries[: n_output_cols - 1] ] + ["...", pad_format.format(str(entries[-1])[:col_width])] ) else: output.append([pad_format.format(str(value)) for value in entries]) return "\n".join([" ".join(row) for row in output]) def __copy__(self): """Shallow copy, equivalent to creating a new map with the same data.""" return MultiDirMap(self._columns, self._key_columns, self.to_list()) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Deep copy, equivalent to creating a new map with a deep copy of the data.""" return MultiDirMap( self._columns, self._key_columns, copy.deepcopy(self.to_list()) )
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """Redirects to get() of the primary key dict.""" return self._primary_key_dict.get(key, default)
__marker = object()
[docs] def pop(self, key, default=__marker): """Pop an entry from the mapping. Entry is returned from the primary key dict and it as well as all consequently orphaned entries are removed from the secondary key dicts. """ item = self._primary_key_dict.get(key) if not item: if default is self.__marker: raise KeyError(key) return default self.__delitem__(key) return item
[docs] def popitem(self): """Pop from the end of the primary key dict. All consequently orphaned entries are removed from the secondary key dicts. """ if len(self._primary_key_dict) == 0: raise KeyError with self._writable(): item = self._primary_key_dict.popitem() for col, key in item[1].to_dict().items(): if col in self._key_dicts and col != self._columns[0]: del self._key_dicts[col][key] return item
[docs] def keys(self): """Redirects to keys() of the primary key dict.""" return self._primary_key_dict.keys()
[docs] def values(self): """Redirects to values() of the primary key dict.""" return self._primary_key_dict.values()
[docs] def items(self): """Redirects to items() of the primary key dict.""" return self._primary_key_dict.items()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all key dicts, thereby deleting all stored data.""" with self._writable(): for key_dict in self._key_dicts.values(): key_dict.clear()
[docs] def update(self, data, overwrite=Overwrite.PRIMARY, skip_duplicates=False): """Update the map with the provided data. overwrite is an enum (Overwrite) that can be NONE, PRIMARY, SECONDARY, or ALL and determines whether an entry can still be added when it conflicts with an existing entry. skip_duplicates determines whether a conflicting entry that will not overwrite should be skipped. If False, an exception will be raised in that situation and a rollback performed, so that the update() operation does not change the state of the map. """ data = self._format_data(data) added_entries = [] backups = [] to_delete = {col: set() for col in self._columns[: self._key_columns]} with self._writable(): for row in data: self._add_entry( row, added_entries, backups, to_delete, overwrite, skip_duplicates ) for col, keys in to_delete.items(): for key in keys: del self._key_dicts[col][key]
[docs] def print_settings(self, **kwargs): """Change the print settings for __str__(). max_width gives the maximum width of the entire table. max_cols gives the maximum number of columns. max_col width gives the maximum width of each column. """ for setting in ["max_width", "max_cols", "max_col_width"]: if setting in kwargs and type(kwargs[setting]) is int: self._print_settings[setting] = kwargs[setting]
[docs] def reorder_secondary_keys(self): """Refresh the order of the secondary key dicts. This will recreate all secondary key dicts such that the keys will be in the same order as the primary keys, as the secondary key order can get scrambled when secondary entries are overwritten. """ with self._writable(): for secondary_key_column in self._columns[1 : self._key_columns]: self._key_dicts[secondary_key_column].clear() for entry in self._primary_key_dict.values(): self._key_dicts[secondary_key_column][ entry[secondary_key_column] ] = entry
[docs] def sort(self, key=lambda entry: entry.to_list()[0], reverse=False): """Sort the map by the given key. If no key is given, sorting is done by the entries in the primary key column. """ ordered_values = [ value.to_dict() for value in sorted( self._primary_key_dict.values(), key=key, reverse=reverse ) ] self.clear() self.update(ordered_values)
[docs] def to_list(self): """Dump all the contents of the map into a list of lists.""" return [entry.to_list() for entry in self._primary_key_dict.values()]
def _format_data(self, data): """Transform input data into a list of lists. If the input data is not in an accepted format, a ValueError is raised. """ shaped_data = [] if isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, tuple): for row in data: if isinstance(row, list) or isinstance(row, tuple): if not self._key_columns <= len(row) <= len(self._columns): raise ValueError( "Encountered malformed data updating MultiDirMap:", row ) shaped_data.append(row + [None] * (len(self._columns) - len(row))) elif isinstance(row, dict): if not set(self._columns[: self._key_columns]) <= set(row): raise ValueError( "Encountered malformed data updating MultiDirMap:", row ) new_row = [row.get(col) for col in self._columns] if None in new_row[: self._key_columns]: raise ValueError( "Encountered incomplete data updating MultiDirMap:", row ) shaped_data.append(new_row) else: raise ValueError( "Encountered unexpected data format updating " "MultiDirMap:", row, ) elif isinstance(data, dict): for primary_key, row in data.items(): if isinstance(row, list) or isinstance(row, tuple): if not (self._key_columns <= len(row) + 1 <= len(self._columns)): raise ValueError( "Encountered malformed data updating MultiDirMap:", row ) shaped_data.append( [primary_key] + row + [None] * (len(self._columns) - len(row) - 1) ) else: raise ValueError( "Encountered unexpected data format updating", "MultiDirMap:", row, ) else: raise ValueError("Encountered unexpected data format updating MultiDirMap.") return shaped_data def _add_entry( self, row, added_entries, backups, to_delete, overwrite, skip_duplicates ): """Add an entry to the map.""" entries = dict(zip(self._columns, row)) new_entry = self._MultiDirMapRow(self, entries) duplicates = { col: key in self._key_dicts[col] for col, key in entries.items() if col in self._key_dicts } if not any(duplicates.values()): added_entry = {} for col, key in entries.items(): if col in self._key_dicts: self._key_dicts[col][key] = new_entry added_entry[col] = key added_entries.append(added_entry) return # For any constellation that would not allow inserting the new entry we # either skip the entry or roll back and raise an error depending on # whether skip_duplicates is True if not self._is_duplicate_overwritable(overwrite, duplicates): if skip_duplicates: return else: self._rollback(added_entries, backups) raise DuplicateKeyError( "One or more keys in {} were duplicates".format(str(row)) ) self._determine_deletable(entries, duplicates, to_delete) if overwrite == Overwrite.ALL: for col, key in entries.items(): if col in self._key_dicts: self._key_dicts[col][key] = new_entry to_delete[col].discard(key) return # At this point, the only possibility is that there are duplicate keys # that we can overwrite but may need to roll back added_entry = {} backup = {} for col, key in entries.items(): if col in self._key_dicts: if duplicates[col]: backup[key] = [col, self._key_dicts[col][key]] else: added_entry[col] = key self._key_dicts[col][key] = new_entry to_delete[col].discard(key) added_entries.append(added_entry) backups.append(backup) def _is_duplicate_overwritable(self, overwrite, duplicates): """Check whether overwriting an identified duplicate is permitted.""" if overwrite == Overwrite.NONE: return False if overwrite == Overwrite.PRIMARY and any( [key for col, key in duplicates.items() if col != self._columns[0]] ): return False if overwrite == Overwrite.SECONDARY and duplicates[self._columns[0]]: return False return True def _determine_deletable(self, entries, duplicates, to_delete): """Check which entries can be deleted at end of update() operation.""" for col, key in entries.items(): if col in self._key_dicts and duplicates[col]: for i, val in enumerate( self._key_dicts[col][key].to_list()[: self._key_columns] ): to_delete[self._columns[i]].add(val) def _rollback(self, added_entries, backups): """Roll back to state before current update() operation started.""" # First remove all the added entries so we don't get duplicate keys # when restoring from backups for added_entry in added_entries: for col, key in added_entry.items(): del self._key_dicts[col][key] for backup in backups: for key, entry in backup.items(): self._key_dicts[entry[0]][key] = entry[1] def _modify_row_attr(self, row, col, value, old_value): """Propagate modification of entry to all key dicts. Called on modification of a MultiDirMapRow element's attribute. Updates the appropriate key dicts to maintain consistentcy of the map. If there is a key conflict, a DuplicateKeyError exception is raised. """ if value == row[col] or col not in self._key_dicts: return if value in self._key_dicts[col]: raise DuplicateKeyError( 'Attempting to set a key to "{}", which already exists in ' 'column "{}"'.format(value, col) ) with self._writable(): self._key_dicts[col][value] = row del self._key_dicts[col][old_value] @contextmanager def _writable(self): """Make ReadOnlyDicts temporarily writable.""" for keydict in self._key_dicts.values(): keydict._set_read_only(False) try: yield finally: for keydict in self._key_dicts.values(): keydict._set_read_only(True)