
Multidirectional map where an arbitrary number of columns can be used as keys.


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$ pip install multidirmap

Quick Start

>>> from multidirmap import MultiDirMap
>>> crew = MultiDirMap(
        ["character", "portrayed_by", "role", "nicknames"],
        data=[["Malcolm Reynolds", "Nathan Fillion", "Captain", ["Mal", "Captain Tight Pants"]],
              ["Zoë Washburne", "Gina Torres", "First Mate"],
              ["Hoban Washburne", "Alan Tudyk", "Pilot", "Wash"]])
>>> crew["Malcolm Reynolds"].role
>>> crew.portrayed_by["Nathan Fillion"].nicknames
["Mal", "Captain Tight Pants"]


  • As many columns as desired can be used as key columns for the mapping
  • O(1) retrieval from any key column
  • Internal consistency is maintained through any modifications to the contents
  • Insertion order is maintained in the primary key column
  • Built-in pretty printing of the mapping

Use Cases

Dictionaries are ubiquitous in Pyton and provide an extremely useful and fast mapping from keys to values. Sometimes, a single, uni-directional mapping is not enough, though, and while bidict extends this functionality to a bidirectional mapping, multidirmap provides an array-like datastructure where any number of columns can be used for O(1) retrieval. In its simplest implementation (2 columns, one of which is a key column), it essentially provides the same functionality as a dict, albeit with additional overhead (don’t do that…). 2 columns that are both key columns will behave somewhat like a bidict, albeit with slightly different syntax. But multidirmap is significantly more flexible in that any number of key and non-key columns can be used. A somewhat similar effect could be achieved with pandas DataFrames, though these (1) will not ensure uniqueness of keys, hence a retrieval may return any number of rows, (2) use an array structure, hence retrieval is O(n) which for large arrays can get very slow, and (3) require the installation of pandas, which is a rather large library to include just for this feature.

Say we want to work with information from the Periodic Table of Elements, like

[["H", "Hydrogen", 1, [1, 2, 3]],
 ["He", "Helium", 2, [4, 3]],
 ["Li", "Lithium", 3, [7, 6]],
 ["Og", "Oganesson", 118, [295, 294]]]

where the columns indicate symbol, name, atomic number, and nucleon numbers of isotopes respectively. The first three columns are obvious candidates for key columns as they are by definition unique. multidirmap allows placing this information in a unified datastructure where questions like “What are the isotope nucleon numbers of Lithium?”, “What is the chemical element symbol of Potassium?”, or “What is the name of the element with atomic number 46?” can be asked with a simple syntax and O(1) retrieval. Any number of additional key and non-key columns could be added.

The use case that prompted the development on this package involved the struct module: For a binary interface I needed to convert back and forth between (1) a string representation of the variable type, (2) an integer representation of the variable type, (3) the struct format char, and (4) the size in bytes of the variable. Again, 1-3 are obvious candidates for key columns, with 4 being a non-key column. Without multidirmap, several separate dicts have to be used to provide each needed mapping from one column to another and there is easy way to ensure that these dicts remain consistent with each other through possible changes.